CCM Face Cage Compatibility Chart

Please use the following guidelines to size your helmet with the right size cage or visor; These are guidelines only. Please remember that some of the visors have spacer kits to accomodate for the space between the size of the helmet and the width of the visor.

Adult helmets usually requires the same size cage according to the helmet size. For example, An Adult Large helmet combo will come with a Large helmet and Large Cage. Some cases if the player wants a closer fit to the face, it would be recommended that they downsize in cage size. For example, Large to Medium. Child helmets usually are under these circumstances. We recommend downsizing. For example, getting a Medium helmet with a Small cage.

CCM Cage Compatibility Chart
HelmetFM480 SmallFM480 MediumFM480 Large
CCM Vector V04/V05/V08/V10 LargeYesYesYes
CCM Vector V04/V05/V08/V10 MediumYesYesYes
CCM Vector V04/V05/V08/V10 SmallYesYesYes
CCM HT 892YesYesYes
Reebok 8K/6K/4K LargeNoYesYes
Reebok 8K/6K/4K MediumYesYesYes
Reebok 8K/6K/4K SmallNoYesYes
Bauer 9900 X-LargeYesYesYes
Bauer 9900 Large (may need spacer kit)YesYesYes
Bauer 9900 Medium (may need spacer kit)YesYesYes
Bauer 9900 SmallYesYesYes
Nike Bauer 9500 LargeYesYesYes
Nike Bauer 9500 MediumYesYesYes
Nike Bauer 9500 SmallYesYesYes
Nike Bauer 8500 X-LargeNoYesYes
Nike Bauer 8500 LargeNoYesYes
Nike Bauer 8500 MediumYesYesYes
Nike Bauer 8500 SmallYesYesYes
Bauer 5500/7500 LargeNoYesYes
Bauer 5500/7500 MediumYesYesYes
Bauer 5500/7500 SmallYesYesYes
Bauer 5100 LargeYesYesYes
Bauer 5100 MediumYesYesYes
Bauer 5100 SmallYesYesYes
Bauer 4500/3500 X-LargeNoYesYes
Bauer 4500/3500 LargeNoYesYes
Bauer 4500/3500 MediumYesYesYes
Bauer 4500/3500 SmallYesYesYes
Bauer 4500/3500 X-SmallYesYesYes
Bauer 1500 LargeYesNoYes
Bauer 1500 MediumYesYesYes
Bauer 1500 SmallYesYesYes
Mission Intake LargeNoYesYes
Mission Intake MediumYesYesYes
Mission Intake SmallYesYesYes
Mission M95 LargeNoYesYes
Mission M95 MediumYesYesYes
Easton Stealth S19 Large (may need spacer kit)YesYesYes
Easton Stealth S19 Medium (may need spacer kit)YesYesYes
Easton Stealth S19 Small (may need spacer kit)YesYesYes
Easton Stealth S17 LargeYesYesYes
Easton Stealth S17 MediumYesYesYes
Easton Stealth S17 SmallYesYesYes
Easton Stealth S11 LargeYesYesYes
Easton Stealth S11 MediumYesYesYes
Easton Stealth S11 SmallYesYesYes
Easton Stealth S9 LargeYesYesYes
Easton Stealth S9 MediumYesYesYes
Easton Stealth S9 SmallYesYesYes
Easton Stealth S7 LargeYesYesYes
Easton Stealth S7 MediumYesYesYes
Easton Stealth S7 SmallYesYesYes
Cascade X-Small/Small/MediumYesYesYes
Cascade Medium/Large/X-LargeYesYesYes
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